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ihrc situation room

continent to the other, there are cries of violations of people’s rights. Provable incidences of extra-judicial killings, brutally of innocent citizens, use of lethal force, blatant corruption etc., continue to be witnessed in nations across Africa. If democratic practice in African countries must meet up with internationally accepted standards, then it must address the current problem of gross violations of human rights issues in the African nations.  The IHRC Situation Room of the Africa Region HQ of the International Human Rights Commission Geneva Switzerland is very focused on drawing the attentions of the Africa continent governments to redirect their efforts to ensure that qualitative justice hinged on the democratic values of fundamental human rights that emphasizes the dignity of the human person, rights to personal liberty, right to due process and fair hearing, right to life and the right to freedom of movement, which our people in Africa are largely deprived of.


The Situation Room is made up of the technical room where reports are received from the 55 countries in Africa and analyzed by analysts before issuing of the official report by the IHRC Africa Region HQ. The main structures of the IHRC Situation Room consist of the central secretariat, human rights activists’ podiums, the call center, pigeon holes for academicians and experience African diplomats, consulting hall for contributing experts on human rights including the session Chair. The General Assembly and Extraordinary Congress of the Africa Region HQ holds in the Situation Room twice in the year. This body can be organized with invitation extended to recognize relevant IGOs to participate.


The IHRC Situation Room has a strong and fully strengthened company of lawyers for handling violations of human rights. The channels for general reporting to the IHRC Situation Room are by use of Telephone numbers +234 708 102 6341 or +234 803 596 3429. Email address; State your report if you face, hear or see any kind of human rights abuses. The Situation Room has other channels that may be more appropriate for your reports but that will be availed to you after a contact is established.


To ensure accountability by the country offices and also attend to any report of human rights violations from the various

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