On Wednesday 8th April 2020 a very deadly violence erupted between two border ethnic groups in Nigeria, the Jukuns in Taraba State and the Tivs in Benue State. The allegation is that the first aggressors being the Jukuns carried out attacks against the Tivs in Jootar, Ukum Local Government Area of Benue State supported by the Nigerian Army.
The IHRC Situation Room is currently deliberating on reports received that the Nigerian Army that is supposed to intervene and prevent this type of violence was instead directly supporting the assailants, committing killings and other abuses.
The Director/Ambassador of the IHRC Africa Region HQ, H.E Dr. Tivlumun Innocent Ahure is giving out notices to world leaders to call on President Muhammadu Buhari to take serious steps to hold accountable those responsible. Dr. Ahure will further be disseminating procedural calling on the cadres of the United Nations for their information and necessary action.
The IHRC Situation Room in Abuja, Nairobi and Accra have received the directives to establish communication with the authorities on the issue of sites which will be created for the displaced persons. The images of property destruction and arson from this attack is troubling and that is why the perpetrators of the violence should answer for the crimes.
That men of the Nigerian Army were alleged to have joined and assisted the Jukuns to attack the Tivs amount to crimes against humanity carried out as part of a campaign of ethnic cleansing.
H.E Dr. Tivlumun Innocent Ahure, seeks for the United Nations relevant units on crimes against humanity to underscore that under International Law, crimes against humanity are crimes committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack on a civilian population. The attack must be against a specific population and part of a State or organizational policy